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5 Stone Weight Loss

Congratulations to Julie Kenny who has passed the 5 stone weight loss marker – well done Julie.


Book a FREE consultation with Julie’s personal trainer

Super Secret Abs Exercise (that no one knows about)

I’ve got a really good abs exercise that hardly anyone knows about (at least from my observation in the gym). I’m sure you’ve heard of the plank. Well what if you were in a push up plank position, but added a bunch of movements to it?


Introducing the Dumb Bell Push Up-Renegade Row-T-Stabilization exercise


Okay, I admit it’s a bit of a long name, however it’s amazing and actually 3 exercises in one. Here we go…


Don’t think a push up works your abs? Get in a push up position with your knees off the ground. Now take one hand off the ground and put it on your stomach. Feel how tight it is and how hard it’s working, just to stabilize your body.


In this exercise, we put 2 dumbbells on the ground. You’ll get into a push up position with a hand on either dumbbell. Perform a push up, with a straight back, going down as deep as you can.


Now in the up position, row one dumbbell towards your chest. Since one hand is off the ground, this provides an extreme challenge to your abs as you are now unstable and your abs have to work even harder for stability. After you row, you then rotate your body and make a T, which challenges your oblique’s – the sides of your abs. Return to the starting position and alternate to the other side after you do a push up.


This is a great exercise to work your core, and your upper body muscles – chest, back, shoulders, biceps and triceps – all in one integrated movement. And what we have is an awesome abs exercise to improve your performance in all sports, activities and daily living.

5 Simple Steps to a Fitter, Leaner, Healthier You

1. Take a Probiotic

Probiotics aid digestion and absorption of nutrients in the gut. A healthy, clean intestine is essential for keeping you lean, and energized, with optimal brain function.


2. Do Lunges

Lunges will help you gain serious strength in the lower body, but they also require you to activate the trunk, making them a useful “core” exercise (keep the trunk erect by contracting the abdominal muscles, and avoid an anterior tilting the pelvis).


3. Eat Breakfast

Eating breakfast increases your metabolism from fasting overnight, creating a greater calorie burn than if you don’t eat anything. There’s significant evidence breakfast eaters are leaner, eat more protein, vitamins, and minerals, and have better insulin health.


4. Make a Fruit and Vegetable Diet Goal Daily

If these health-promoting foods are seriously lacking in your diet (none to two a day), start conservatively by committing to eat four servings total. For those of you who are a bit healthier, bump up your intake moderately each week (Ideally to 9).


5. Sleep Better

Magnesium and Darkness-Magnesium is a lesser known bit of sleep-inducing magic. You also need to turn off all lights, screens, and light-emitting devices in your bedroom for good sleep.